Source code for blossom.visualization.parsing

import json
import glob
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from blossom import dataset_io
from blossom import population_funcs

[docs] def read_log(fn): with open(fn, 'r') as f: return json.load(f)
[docs] class Snapshot(object): """ Single time snapshot of universe. """ def __init__(self, dataset_fn): self.population_dict,, _ = dataset_io.load_universe(dataset_fn) self.organisms_by_location = population_funcs.hash_by_location( population_funcs.get_organism_list(self.population_dict) ) self.current_time =
[docs] def plot_2d(self, label, attr_func): """ attr_func is a function that accepts a Snapshot object and a location, and returns a quantity """ temp_img = np.zeros( for i in range(temp_img.shape[0]): for j in range(temp_img.shape[1]): temp_img[i][j] += attr_func(ds=self, loc=(i, j)) plt.title(label) plt.imshow(temp_img, interpolation='none') plt.colorbar()
[docs] class TimeSeries(object): """ Series of dataset objects for iterating over. """ def __init__(self, dataset_dir): self.dataset_dir = Path(dataset_dir) self.dataset_fns = sorted(self.dataset_dir.glob('*.json')) self.index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): try: ds = Snapshot(self.dataset_fns[self.index]) except IndexError: raise StopIteration self.index += 1 return ds
[docs] def plot_ts(self, attr_funcs): """ attr_funcs is a list of tuples (label, function), where the function calculates desired attributes given a Snapshot at each timestep in the simulation. """ attr_vals = {label: [] for label, func in attr_funcs} for ds_fn in self.dataset_fns: ds = Snapshot(ds_fn) for label, attr_func in attr_funcs: attr_vals[label].append(attr_func(ds)) for label in attr_vals: plt.plot(attr_vals[label], label=label) plt.plot([0] * len(attr_vals[label]), 'k--') plt.xlabel('Timestep') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.legend()