Source code for blossom.simulation.universe

import click 
import os
import yaml
from pathlib import Path
import datetime

import time
import numpy as np

from . import parse_intent
from . import utils
from . import dataset_io as dio
from . import parameter_io as pio
from . import population_funcs as pf

[docs] class Universe(object): """ Create the universe of the simulation. """ def __init__(self, dataset_fn=None, config_fn=None, world_param_fn=None, species_param_fns=None, world_param_dict={}, species_param_dicts=[{}], custom_module_fns=None, current_time=0, end_time=1000, project_dir='datasets/', pad_zeros=4, seed=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize universe based on either parameter files or saved datasets. Parameters ---------- dataset_fn : str Filename of saved organism and world datasets config_fn : str Filename of config .yml file world_param_fn : str Filename of world parameter file species_param_fns : list of str List of filenames of species parameter files world_param_dict : dict Dictionary containing initial world parameters species_param_dicts : list of dict List of dictionaries containing initial species parameters custom_module_fns : list of str List of filenames of external python scripts containing custom behaviors current_time : int Current time of simulation end_time : int End time of simulation project_dir : str Overarching directory path for configuration and run files pad_zeros : int Number of zeroes to pad in dataset filenames seed : int, Generator, optional Random seed for the simulation """ # Set random seeds for the entire simulation self.initial_seed = seed if seed is None: self.initial_seed = np.random.default_rng().integers(2**32) self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.initial_seed) self.start_timestamp = time.time() self.last_timestamp = self.start_timestamp self.elapsed_time = 0 input_count = 0 self.dataset_fn = dataset_fn if self.dataset_fn is not None: self.dataset_fn = Path(self.dataset_fn).resolve() input_count += 1 self.config_fn = config_fn if self.config_fn is not None: self.config_fn = Path(self.config_fn).resolve() input_count += 1 self.world_param_fn = world_param_fn self.species_param_fns = species_param_fns if self.world_param_fn is not None and self.species_param_fns is not None: self.world_param_fn = Path(self.world_param_fn).resolve() self.species_param_fns = Path(self.species_param_fns).resolve() input_count += 1 self.world_param_dict = world_param_dict self.species_param_dicts = species_param_dicts if self.world_param_dict != {} and self.species_param_dicts != [{}]: input_count += 1 if input_count == 0: raise ValueError('No valid initialization provided') elif input_count > 1: raise ValueError('Only one initialization method may be provided') self.custom_module_fns = custom_module_fns if self.custom_module_fns is not None: self.custom_module_fns = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in self.custom_module_fns if os.path.isfile(path)] self.current_time = current_time self.end_time = end_time self.pad_zeros = pad_zeros self.initialize(seed=seed, project_dir=project_dir) self.organisms = pf.get_organism_list(self.population_dict) self.organisms_by_location = pf.hash_by_location(self.organisms) self.species_names = sorted(list(self.population_dict.keys())) self.intent_list = [] self.organism_limit = kwargs.get('organism_limit')
[docs] def initialize(self, seed=None, project_dir=None): """ Initialize world and organisms in the universe, from either saved datasets or from parameter files (and subsequently writing the initial time step to file). """ if self.dataset_fn is not None: # Set up entire universe based on saved dataset self.population_dict,, config_params = dio.load_universe(self.dataset_fn, seed=seed) self.rng = config_params['rng'] self.initial_seed = config_params['initial_seed'] self.project_dir = self.dataset_fn.parents[2] self.run_data_dir = self.dataset_fn.parents[0] self.run_logs_dir = self.project_dir / 'logs' / self.run_logs_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: if self.config_fn is not None: self.population_dict,, config_params = pio.load_from_config(self.config_fn, seed=seed) self.rng = config_params['rng'] self.initial_seed = config_params['initial_seed'] self.current_time = elif self.world_param_fn is not None and self.species_param_fns is not None: = pio.load_world_from_param_file(self.world_param_fn) self.population_dict = pio.load_species_from_param_files( fns=self.species_param_fns,, custom_module_fns=self.custom_module_fns, seed=self.rng) elif self.world_param_fn != {} and self.species_param_fns != [{}]: = pio.load_world_from_dict(self.world_param_dict) self.population_dict = pio.load_species_from_dict( init_dicts=self.species_param_dicts,, custom_module_fns=self.custom_module_fns, seed=self.rng) else: raise ValueError('No valid intialization provided') # Save / directory structure self.project_dir = Path(project_dir).resolve() datestring ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.run_data_dir = self.project_dir / 'data' / f'{datestring}-s{self.initial_seed}' self.run_data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.run_logs_dir = self.project_dir / 'logs' / f'{datestring}-s{self.initial_seed}' self.run_logs_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dio.save_universe(self)
[docs] def step(self): """ Steps through one time step, iterating over all organisms and computing new organism states. Saves all organisms and the world to file at the end of each step. """ # Increment time step self.current_time += 1 # This is just updating the age, not evaluating whether an organism # is at death, since organism actions should be evaluated based on # the current state. Age needs to be updated so that every organism # in intent list has the correct age. last_organisms = self.organisms self.organisms = [organism.clone_self()._update_age() for organism in last_organisms if organism.alive] self.population_dict = pf.get_population_dict(self.organisms, self.species_names) self.organisms_by_location = pf.hash_by_location(self.organisms) # intent_list is a list of lists, one list per organism in the current # time step self.intent_list = [] for organism in last_organisms: if organism.alive: # Use updated organism ages, and pass Universe to organism step self.intent_list.append(organism.step(self)) # Parse intent list and ensure it is valid self.organisms = parse_intent.parse(self.intent_list, last_organisms, seed=self.rng) self.population_dict = pf.get_population_dict(self.organisms, self.species_names) self.organisms_by_location = pf.hash_by_location(self.organisms) # Potential changes to the world would go here # Save universe state now = time.time() self.elapsed_time = now - self.last_timestamp self.last_timestamp = now dio.save_universe(self)
[docs] def current_info(self, verbosity=1, expanded=True): total_num = sum([self.population_dict[species]['statistics']['total'] for species in self.species_names]) pstring = 't = %s' % (self.current_time) if verbosity >= 1: if expanded: pstring = ( '... t = %s\n' % str(self.current_time).zfill(self.pad_zeros) + ' Number of organisms: %s\n' % total_num ) else: rt_pstring = 't = %s: %s organisms' % (self.current_time, total_num) if verbosity >= 4: if expanded: for species_name in self.species_names: pstring += ( ' %s: %d organisms\n' % (species_name, self.population_dict[species_name]['statistics']['total']) ) else: rt_pstring = rt_pstring + ' (' for i, species_name in enumerate(self.species_names): rt_pstring += str(self.population_dict[species_name]['statistics']['total']) if i != len(self.species_names) - 1: rt_pstring += ':' rt_pstring += ')' if verbosity >= 2: if expanded: pstring += ( ' Time elapsed since last time step: %s\n' % utils.time_to_string(self.elapsed_time) ) else: pstring = rt_pstring + ( ' (%s)' % (utils.time_to_string(self.elapsed_time)) ) if verbosity >= 3: start_time_diff = time.time() - self.start_timestamp if expanded: pstring += ( ' Time elapsed since start: %s\n' % utils.time_to_string(start_time_diff) ) else: pstring = rt_pstring + ( ' (%s; %s)' % (utils.time_to_string(self.elapsed_time), utils.time_to_string(start_time_diff)) ) return pstring
[docs] def run(self, verbosity=1, expanded=True): print(self.current_info(verbosity=verbosity, expanded=expanded)) while self.current_time < self.end_time: self.step() print(self.current_info(verbosity=verbosity, expanded=expanded)) if self.organism_limit is not None and len(self.organisms) > self.organism_limit: print(f'Exceeded organism limit! ({len(self.organisms)} ' f'> {self.organism_limit})') break
@click.command(name='run') @click.option('-t', '--timesteps', default=1000, help='Max timestep') @click.option('-l', '--organism_limit', type=int, help='Max number of organisms') @click.option('-r', '--restart', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Option to erase past data files before run') @click.option('-v', '--verbosity', default=4, help='Level of progress detail to print') @click.option('-s', '--seed', type=int, help='Random seed') def run_universe(timesteps=1000, organism_limit=None, restart=False, verbosity=4, seed=None): project_dir = Path('.').resolve() # logs_path = project_dir / 'logs' # data_path = project_dir / 'data' # if data_path.is_dir(): # data_fns = sorted(data_path.glob('*.json')) # if len(data_fns) > 0 and not restart: # universe = Universe(dataset_fn=data_fns[-1], # project_dir=project_dir, # end_time=timesteps, # seed=seed, # organism_limit=organism_limit) #, expanded=False) # return # if restart: # if logs_path.is_dir(): # for fn in logs_path.iterdir(): # fn.unlink() # if data_path.is_dir(): # for fn in data_path.iterdir(): # fn.unlink() # Run even if not restarting, such as first run # Use .yml config_path = list(project_dir.glob('*.yml')) if len(config_path) == 1: config_path = config_path[0] with open(config_path, 'r') as f: cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) timesteps = cfg.get('timesteps', timesteps) organism_limit = cfg.get('organism_limit', organism_limit) universe = Universe(config_fn=config_path, project_dir=project_dir, end_time=timesteps, seed=seed, organism_limit=organism_limit), expanded=False) return elif len(config_path) == 0: raise ValueError('No config files') else: raise ValueError('Multiple config files located') # At its simplest, the entire executable could just be written like this if __name__ == '__main__': universe = Universe()