Source code for blossom.simulation.dataset_io

Load information from a certain dataset, e.g. to resume a simulation, and
write world and organism data back to file.

import copy
import json
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

from .world import World
from .organism import Organism

[docs] def load_universe(fn, seed=None): """ Load dataset file from JSON. Parameters ---------- fn : str Input filename of saved universe dataset seed : int, Generator, optional Random seed for the simulation Returns ------- population_dict : dict A dict of Organism objects reconstructed from the saved dataset world : World World object reconstructed from the saved dataset seed : int, Generator Numpy random number generator from last timestep """ with open(fn, 'r') as f: universe_dict = json.load(f) world = World(universe_dict['world']) population_dict_json = universe_dict['population'] population_dict = {} for species in population_dict_json: population_dict[species] = {} population_dict[species]['statistics'] = population_dict_json[species]['statistics'] population_dict[species]['organisms'] = [ Organism(organism_dict) for organism_dict in population_dict_json[species]['organisms'] ] seed_fn = Path(fn).with_suffix('.seed') if seed is None and seed_fn.is_file(): seed = universe_dict['info']['initial_seed'] with open(seed_fn, 'rb') as f: rng = pickle.load(f) else: if seed is None: seed = np.random.default_rng().integers(2**32) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) config_params = { 'initial_seed': seed, 'rng': rng } return population_dict, world, config_params
[docs] def save_universe(universe): """ Save population_dict and world to file in JSON format. Parameters ---------- universe : Universe Universe containing organism """ padded_time = str(universe.current_time).zfill(universe.pad_zeros) data_fn = ( universe.run_data_dir / f'{}.{padded_time}.json' ) log_fn = ( universe.run_logs_dir / f'{}.{padded_time}.log' ) population_dict_json = {} for species in universe.population_dict: population_dict_json[species] = {} population_dict_json[species]['statistics'] = universe.population_dict[species]['statistics'] population_dict_json[species]['organisms'] = [ organism.to_dict() for organism in universe.population_dict[species]['organisms'] ] universe_dict = { 'population': population_dict_json, 'world':, 'info': { 'initial_seed': universe.initial_seed } } with open(data_fn, 'w') as f: json.dump(universe_dict, f, indent=2, cls=NPEncoder) log_dict = { 'species': { species: universe.population_dict[species]['statistics'] for species in universe.population_dict }, 'world': { 'timestep':, 'elapsed_time': universe.elapsed_time }, 'info': { 'initial_seed': universe.initial_seed, 'size': data_fn.stat().st_size } } with open(log_fn, 'w') as f: json.dump(log_dict, f, indent=2, cls=NPEncoder) # Save seed information for last completed timestep last_padded_time = str(universe.current_time-1).zfill(universe.pad_zeros) last_seed_fn = ( universe.run_data_dir / f'{}.{last_padded_time}.seed' ) last_seed_fn.unlink(missing_ok=True) seed_fn = ( universe.run_data_dir / f'{}.{padded_time}.seed' ) with open(seed_fn, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(universe.rng, f)
[docs] class NPEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Class to help serialize numpy types to json. """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): if np.isnan(obj): return None return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() else: return super().default(obj)